Tort Liability and Insurance
Published by Scandinavian studies in law, November 2001
The regulations concerning tort and insurance are extremely vital from the economic point of view, ideally providing security for anyone engaging in business operations, as well as compensation for individuals affected by negative consequences. Tort law is a also an area of the law which often give rise to intense debates, as new insights and shifts in perspectives may set the focus on previously more or less unnoticed negative effects.
Environmental concerns and new ways of looking at the tobacco industry are just a couple of examples of the latter. Important to mention is furthermore that the issues relating to tort and liability provide compelling challenges for anyone interested in theoretical legal problems.
The 23 articles that are presented here reflect to a large extent all the above mentioned aspects and provide an important contribution to the international discussion.
Diversity and Unity: In search of a Pluralistic View on Problems in Tort Law
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 11–30
Environmental Liability - Modern Developments
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 31–54
Governmental Liability in Swedish Law
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 55–64
Liability of Members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 65–86
Development of International Tort Law Till the Beginning of the 1990s From a Scandinavian Point of View
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 87–182
Sport and Insurance-Tracks or Sidetracks?
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 183–192
Alternative Compensation Systems
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 193–234
Recent Developments in the Danish Law of Tort
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 235–250
Compensation for Personal Injuries in Sweden - A Reconsidered View
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 251–280
Is Finnish Tort Law in the Process of Being Americanized?
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 281–310
Profession and Function
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 311–324
The Concept of "Gross Negligence" in Sec. 19 (2)(i) of the Liability Act and Sec. 18(2) of the Insurance Agreement Act
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 325–346
Tobacco and Tort Liability
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 347–394
Adviser's Liability in Connection with Duty to Inform - a Problem Inventory
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 395–422
Placing the Burden of Proof of a Hypothetical Cause
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 423–454
The Future of International Unification of Transport Law
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 455–460
Foreseeability and Law and Economics
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 461–468
Further Ruminations on Cause-In-Fact
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 469–504
Sweden's No-Fault Rule for Accidents at Work - Recent Developments
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 505–522
Modern Tort Law and Direct Claims Under the Scandinavian Insurance Acts
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 523–534
Contractual Duty of Insurance
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 535–554
Damages for Infringement of Competition Law
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 555–566
Compensation for Pure Economic Loss in Finnish Tort Law
Published in Tort Liability and Insurance, November 2001 s. 567–582
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