What is Scandinavian Law?
Published by Scandinavian studies in law, January 2007
The first part of this 50th volume of Scandinavian Studies in Law is related to a core issue from the viewpoint of the purposes and ambitions of the series, viz. What is Scandinavian Law?
The second part addresses a range of issues related to the regulation of fundamental conditions of community life under the label of Social Private Law. This includes components associated with among other things what is known as the welfare state, a conception often attributed to the Scandinavian countries.
As a whole the collection provides a broad and multi-dimensional description of Scandinavian law today. Contributors are both outside observers and “internal” writers, and the volume should be an indispensable source for anyone interested in learning more about current Scandinavian legal culture. The majority of the articles that are included were originally presented at two workshops held in 2007.
The establishment of the series Scandinavian Studies in Law was an important initiative to manifest the fiftieth anniversary of the Stockholm Law Faculty in 1957. Consequently, the fiftieth anniversary of Scandinavian Studies in Law in 2007 coincides with the Centennial Jubilee of the Faculty.
What is Scandinavian Law? Concept, Characteristics, Future
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 13–30
Non-contractual Obligations in the Nordic Countries: a European's Perspective
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 31–48
Small Claims Enforcement in a High Cost Country: The German Insurance Ombudsman
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 49–64
What is Scandinavian Law? English Lawyers Look at Swedish and Norwegian Insurance Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 65–82
Sweden's Contribution to Governance of the Judiciary
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 83–102
Nordic Law in the Early 21st Century - Maritime Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 103–116
The Scandinavian Law of Obligations
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 117–124
A Scandinavian Approach to Corporate Governance
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 125–142
Pro-Active Comparative Law: The Case Of Nordic Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 143–156
Scandinavian Law in Practical Implication: Characteristic Features, Solutions of International Interest, Social Dimension
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 157–162
Unique Features in Swedish Tax Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 163–178
Harmonization or Separation? Deep Structures in Nordic Legal Cultures
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 179–184
EU Public Procurement Law and Nordic Labour Law - Recent Developments and Future Challenges
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 185–220
The Hidden Secrets of Scandinavian Contract Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 249–256
The Vanishing Scandinavian Sales Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 257–264
The Nordic Countries in the Vanguard of European Family Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 265–288
Questioning the Questionnaire: The Unheard Message from Scandinavian Tort Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 289–302
The Scandinavians: Reluctant and Enthusiastic Club Members
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 303–314
Scandinavian Financial Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 315–326
Introduction - Developments of Social Private Law in Sweden
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 327–330
Spouses Pension Rights and Financial Settlement in Case of a Divorce
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 331–346
From Status via Contract and Social Private Law to the Free Movement - Regulation of Domestic Work in Sweden
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 347–366
The Growth of Social Private Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 367–380
Legal Information Supply and the Digital Divide
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 393–408
Compensation for Victims in Public Legislation and as a Civil Right
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 423–434
Children and Advertising - a Swedish Perspective on the Relevant Legal Arguments
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 435–462
Over-indebtedness - a Growing Problem
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 463–476
From Person to Party - the Fundamental Problem of Social Private Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 495–512
The "Social" in Social Law - An Analysis of a Concept in Disguise
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 513–540
Some Commercial Aspects on Labour Law
Published in What is Scandinavian Law?, January 2007 s. 541–553
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