Scandinavian studies in law
The Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law was established in 1956 with the objective to disseminate knowledge about Scandinavian law and legal theory abroad. To achieve this objective, the Institute publishes Scandinavian Studies in Law (Sc.St.L.), which is a book series containing articles by Scandinavian academics and legal experts.
Each volume focuses on a specific legal topic and the work is conducted under the auspices of a volume editor who is an expert in the field. Most of the articles have never before been published, although on occasion, the series presents translations and updates of previously published articles from the Scandinavian countries. The first volume was published in 1957, and to date, more than 900 articles have been published, most of which are freely available in full text on the Sc.St.L. database.
The Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law is led by an editorial board, appointed by the Stockholm University Law Faculty. The day to day work is administrated by a general editor, appointed by the board. An advisory committee provides support. Financial support for the publication of Scandinavian Studies in Law has been generously provided by a number of contributors.
Most read from journals
Published in Constitutional Law in the Scandinavian Countries, June 2024 s. 5–8
Published in Constitutional Law in the Scandinavian Countries, June 2024 s. 139–190
The Mink Case and Some Legal Implications
Published in Constitutional Law in the Scandinavian Countries, June 2024 s. 251–264