Rule of Law
Published by Scandinavian studies in law, May 2023
Rule of Law as a legal concept has been highly debated in the past decade, not least due to the current backslide in democratic ideals being witnessed in Europe and globally. While the Rule of Law is the backbone on which the modern state and its apparatus is built, what the concept actually entails remains rather unclear. Even non-democratic legal cultures often proclaim their adherence to the Rule of Law. In addition, it is an unsolved dilemma whether Rule of Law is the same or overlaps with the idea of Rechtsstaat.
In this sixty-ninth volume in the series, Scandinavian Studies in Law, scholars from the Nordic countries reflect on whether and how the recent societal developments have affected the concept of Rule of Law within their respective fields. A recurring theme in the contributions is that the current Rule of Law debate has affected the Nordic legal orders not merely within individual legal fields, but in a more structural manner.
The Volume Editors for this volume are Professor Jane Reichel, Stockholm University, and Professor Mauro Zamboni, Stockholm University.
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 5–10
The Governing Idea of the Rule of Law
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 13–38
Remarks on the Recent Rule of Law – Debate in the Nordic States
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 55–62
The Promulgation Theory on Statutory Interpretation and the Rule of Law in Denmark
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 95–120
Civil Procedure and the Rule of Law in Scandinavia
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 121–144
Tribunals in the Nordic States and Referrals to the European Courts
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 145–176
Rule of Law and Public Administration in Sweden. Law, Politics, Culture
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 231–250
Two Visions of Time: The Different Temporalities of the Rättsstat and the Rule of Law
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 253–272
The European Arrest Warrant and the Rule of Law
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 273–286
Artificial Intelligence Destroyed the Rule of Law?
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 287–312
Rule of Law Rhetoric in Encryption’s ‘Going Dark’ Debate
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 313–340
The Rule of Law in a State of Flux – The Swedish Tax Law Perspective
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 343–362
The Rule of Law and Custody of Children in Sweden – What Would King Solomon Have Done?
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 363–376
Rule of Law Discourses in Swedish Labour Law
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 377–392
Academic Freedom and the Rule of Law
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 393–420
Published in Rule of Law, May 2023 s. 421–422
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