Environmental Law
Published by Scandinavian studies in law, March 2014
The 59th volume of Scandinavian Studies in Law is dedicated to environmental law scholarship from, or relating to, Scandinavia broadly construed, including the whole Nordic region.
Despite a regrettable lack of contributions from Norway the volume provides a reasonably broad and representative view of environmental law research in this region. One may argue that a Scandinavian, or Nordic, perspective on environmental law is made particularly interesting by the fact that the countries of this region have a reputation, and perhaps even more a self-perception, of being champions of environmental concerns and environmentally friendly policies and technologies. Whether this perception tallies with reality in all areas is contestable but the mere idea may have provided a special soil for the development of environmental law and environmental law research.
The region also has a particular legacy in the form of its geographic and personal links to the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (The Stockholm Conference) and the World Commission on Environment and Development (The Brundtland Commission).
These historic occurrences contributed greatly to pushing environmental issues up national and international agendas. Both also made a strong case for acknowledging the fundamental importance of the environment, including what today is known as ecosystems services, to human society and thus its (direct or indirect) significance for all areas of law and policy.
The Conditions for Future Energy-Smart Water Utilities under EU and Danish Law and Policy
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 19–78
Nord Stream, the Environment and the Law: Disentangling a Multijurisdictional Energy Project
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 79–108
International Environmental Law Perspective on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Development
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 109–146
Promoting Energy and Resource Efficiency through the Ecodesign Directive
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 147–180
Adaptive Management of EU Marine Ecosystems – About Time to Include Fishery
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 201–242
The Value of Proactive Methodological Approaches for Understanding Environmental Law
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 243–258
Planetary Boundaries and the Matching of International Treaty Regimes
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 259–284
Methods of Environmental Law Research in Finland
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 285–318
Four Points on Point four: Implementing Environmental Quality Standards in Sweden
Published in Environmental Law, March 2014 s. 319–350
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