Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes
Published by Scandinavian studies in law, September 2020
Although none of the Scandinavian countries have had armed conflicts on their soil since the Second World War, there are in Scandinavia at present war criminals, and witnesses and victims of atrocity crimes. The crimes have been committed in different situations outside Scandinavia and it is only lately that the investigation and prosecution of these crimes have gained adequate attention.
This volume presents 21 articles on the investigation and prosecution in Scandinavia of international crimes. The articles present decisions and cases tried at domestic level in a thematic manner, by examining some overarching questions. For instance, to what extent and how international law sources are considered and/or implemented in the Scandinavian countries and how the objectives of international criminal law are brought into action. The volume is organized into five parts: Introduction, General Principles and Matters of Criminal Law, International Crimes, Procedural Matters, and Comparative Outlook. The scientific coordinator for this volume has been Professor Mark Klamberg, Stockholm University.
Foreword - Investigation and prosecution in Scandinavia of international crimes
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 5–14
Trials in Sweden, Participants in the Proceedings and other Actors
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 27–40
The Objectives of the International Criminal Justice System
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 41–50
The Mens Rea Element of Intent in the Context of International Criminal Trials in Sweden
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 99–130
Concursus Delicturum concerning Swedish Prosecution of Crimes under International Criminal Law
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 157–174
The Evolution of Swedish Legislation on International Crimes
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 205–216
Swedish Case Law on the Contextual Elements Relating to War Crimes
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 217–244
Sexual Violence and Gender-Based International Crimes in Swedish Case Law
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 281–306
The Crime of Genocide Before Swedish Courts
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 307–328
Swedish Law and Practice on Victims of International Crimes
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 329–356
International Crimes and Exclusion from Asylum in a Swedish Context
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 385–406
A Norwegian Perspective on the Prosecution of International Crimes
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 407–434
Investigation and Prosecution in Denmark of International Crimes
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 435–456
The Criminalisation and Prosecution of International Core Crimes in Finland
Published in Investigation and Prosecution in Scandinavia of International Crimes, September 2020 s. 457–478
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