Law and Development


Authors in this edition: Mikael Baaz, Lisen Bergquist, Morten Broberg, Anna Cornell Jonsson, Marianne Dahlén, Antonina Engelbrekt Bakardjieva, Jaakko Husa, Håkan Hydén, Lovorka Kapnias Jonic, Bjarni Már Magnússon, Andreas Moberg, Soili Nysten-Haarala, Birgitta Rubenson, Richard Zajac Sannerholm, Per Sevastik, Åsa Valter, Jørn Vestergaard, Erik O. Wennerström, Pål Wrange, Mauro Zamboni

Published by Scandinavian studies in law, February 2015

The contributions in this 60th volume of Scandinavian Studies in Law are united by the theme of Law and Development.

The notion ‘Law and Development’ demarcates a research field closely associated with international efforts to promote economic and social improvements in developing countries, as well as in transition and post-conflict societies, through the means of law and legal development assistance. In a broader sense, Law and Development encompasses theoretical enquiries into the role of law for societal transformation, including studies on legal transplants, law reform and legal change.

The Nordic countries have been at the forefront of legal development cooperation, both through national agencies like SIDA, NORAD and DANIDA, and through active involvement in international organisations and their development programs. The ambition in this volume is to take stock of the prolific scholarship on Law and Development in the Nordic countries and to give a Scandinavian perspective on the debate in this vibrant research field.