Law and Society
Published by Scandinavian studies in law, September 2008
This 53rd volume of Scandinavian Studies in Law (Sc.St.L.) is dedicated to the subject and perspectives of Sociology of law. The volume comprises 22 articles and is divided into five sections: theoretical aspects of law, inherent tensions within sociology of law as a science, legal cultures and legal reasoning, the legal profession, and finally, empirical studies primarily dealing with the consequences of law.
Sociology of law is a branch of legal science which provides an external perspective on law and the legal system. The approach has both scientific and practical consequences for the study of law. The external perspective leads the scholar to raise other than dogmatic questions about the proper application of law in different situations. Noticeable is also that there is a distinction between sociology of law and socio-legal studies or legal sociology. In the socio-legal perspective the sociological part seeks merely to contribute to an understanding of law on its own terms. Legal sociology has thus been labelled an auxiliary science to legal science. Sociology of law, on the other hand, claims to be an academic subject in its own right.
Conception and Drafting of Court Decisions
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 15–32
On Law, Power and Society: A View of a Moral Dialectic
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 33–44
The Interaction of Society, Politics and Law: The Legal and Communicative Theories of Habermas, Luhmann and Teubner
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 45–76
When are Theories about the Phases of Legal Evolution Advanced and Why?
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 77–92
Law in a Global Knowledge Economy - Following the Path of Scandinavian Sociolegal Theory
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 93–136
Sociology of Law as a Multidisciplinary Field of Research
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 137–150
The Politics of Legal Cultures
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 151–176
Two Challenges to Normative Legal Scholarship
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 177–204
Privileges, Rights and Advantages: Inuit, Danish, and European Subjects in the Making
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 205–218
Living Ruins of the Law: On Legal Change and Legal History in Late Modernity
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 219–230
Sense and Sensibility - Classic Rhetoric as a Model for Modern Legal Thinking
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 231–258
Law, Power and Language: Beware of Metaphors
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 259–270
Tacit Knowledge - a Neglected Source of Private Law
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 271–282
The Development of the Danish Legal Profession
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 283–302
Return to the Copenhagen "Magic Circle": First Elements of a Longitudinal Study of Large Law Firms in Denmark
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 303–320
Defender, Spokesperson, Therapist: Representing the True Interest of the Client in Therapeutic Law
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 321–338
From Empathy to Autism - how Ignorance became the Norm
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 339–350
Breaking and Making Norms
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 351–370
Law and Participation
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 371–390
Law and Cyber Society: Socio-legal Perspectives on the Internet
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 391–406
Court Decisions in Public Procurement: Delineating the Grey Zone
Published in Law and Society, September 2008 s. 407–420
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