International Aspects


Authors in this edition: Ulf Bernitz, Severin Blomstrand, Christian Bloth, Ove Bring, Svein Eng, David I Fisher, Pär Hallström, Hannu Honka, Per Henrik Lindblom, Joseph Lookofsky, Said Mahmoudi, Poul Runge Nielsen, Jan Ramberg, Åke Saldeen, Jacob Sundberg, Jonatan Thormundsson, Elisabeth Thuesen, Hugo Tiberg, Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll, Pål Wrange

Published by Scandinavian studies in law, February 2000

This volume presents 23 articles on International Law. The book is divided into three sections, European Law, Comparative Studies, and Extraterritorial Problems. Since 1995, not only Denmark but also Finland and Sweden have become members of the EU. Iceland and Norway are related to the community law via the EEA Agreement, creating the European Economic Area.

From this it naturally follows that the reception of European law and the interaction between European law and national law are topics of particular relevance to Scandinavian law at the present time. As a result of the Nordic participation in the EU and the general trend towards greater international cooperation there is clearly also a growing demand outside Scandinavia for information about Scandinavian law, legal thought and tradition. For comparative legal studies Scandinavian law has much to offer, and the editors hope that this volume will be an easily accessible source abridging the language barrier.