Insurance Law


Författare i denna utgåva: Bjarte Askeland, Jürgen Basedow, Hans Jacob Bull, Diana Cerini, Petr Dobias, Helmut Heiss, Jaana Norio-Timonen, Marcus Radetzki, Ioannis Rokas, Athina Siafarika, Peter Takats, Hugo Tiberg, Thomas Utterström, Jessika van der Sluijs, Trine-Lise Wilhelmsen

Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, november 2018

This 64th volume of the series Scandinavian Studies in Law presents 14 articles on a variety of topics related to Scandinavian and European Insurance Law.

The primary aim of the series has always been to bring important legal developments and issues occurring within Scandinavian law to a global audience. Over the years, however, the scope has been broadened. Denmark, Finland and Sweden have long been members of the European Union and Iceland and Norway are members of the EEA. Thus, European law has become a important part of Scandinavian law. This development is clearly reflected in this volume which includes articles describing the developments in several European countries.

Natural Damage Insurance

Publicerad i Insurance Law, november 2018 s. 45–56

Members’ Boat Insurance

Publicerad i Insurance Law, november 2018 s. 211–220