ICT Legal Issues


Författare i denna utgåva: Peter Blume, Lee A. Bygrave, Åsa Hellstadius, Patrik Hiselius, Leena Kuusniemi, Conny Larsson, Agne Lindberg, Patrik Lindskoug, Ulf Maunsbach, Ruth Nielsen, Anna Nordén, Tuomas Pöysti, Jan Rosén, Csaba Sandberg, Dag Wiese Schartum, Peter Seipel, Viveca Still, Daniel Svensson, Peter Wahlgren, Erik Wennerström, Sanna Wolk, Sören Öman

Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, oktober 2010

This volume presents 19 articles on current legal issues relating to information and communication technology (ICT). The development of ICT is presently more intense than ever and innumerous new phenomena emerge continuously. Many of them have a huge impact.

In recent years the advent of so called social media is one illustration. A renewed focus on security issues, now often referred to as Cyber Defence (prompted by large scale intrusion and overloading of IT resources in connection to international conflicts) is another example. Noticeable is also the formation of new political parties in some 15 countries, initiated as a reaction to new legislation concerning file sharing and digital surveillance on the internet. The pace of change is in no way slowing down and presently many countries are experiencing legal and political debates concerning on-line publication of classified documents, so called street pictures and the reluctance of IT companies to make their systems open for external developers. In addition, a myriad of legal issues relating to previously recognized sub domains within the field of ICT and law have to be handled as the technical presuppositions continue to develop. The editorial board of Scandinavian Studies in Law is attached to the Stockholm University Law Faculty. The contributors to this volume are all scholars and practitioners active in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, countries which have long been in the forefront when it comes to the use of ICT.

Employment and ICT Law

Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 59–74

Software Patents

Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 361–396