ICT Legal Issues
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, oktober 2010
This volume presents 19 articles on current legal issues relating to information and communication technology (ICT). The development of ICT is presently more intense than ever and innumerous new phenomena emerge continuously. Many of them have a huge impact.
In recent years the advent of so called social media is one illustration. A renewed focus on security issues, now often referred to as Cyber Defence (prompted by large scale intrusion and overloading of IT resources in connection to international conflicts) is another example. Noticeable is also the formation of new political parties in some 15 countries, initiated as a reaction to new legislation concerning file sharing and digital surveillance on the internet. The pace of change is in no way slowing down and presently many countries are experiencing legal and political debates concerning on-line publication of classified documents, so called street pictures and the reluctance of IT companies to make their systems open for external developers. In addition, a myriad of legal issues relating to previously recognized sub domains within the field of ICT and law have to be handled as the technical presuppositions continue to develop. The editorial board of Scandinavian Studies in Law is attached to the Stockholm University Law Faculty. The contributors to this volume are all scholars and practitioners active in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, countries which have long been in the forefront when it comes to the use of ICT.
IT Law from a Practitioner’s Perspective
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 11–32
ICT law – A Kaleidoscope View
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 33–58
Employment and ICT Law
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 59–74
Electronic Invoicing – Evidencing a Taxable Supply in the Light of the New VAT Directive
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 75–90
Information Government in Practise: Functional Gains and Legal Perils
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 91–124
Developing E-government Systems - Legal, Technological and Organizational Aspects
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 125–150
Data Protection and Privacy – Basic Concepts in a Changing World
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 151–164
Privacy and Data Protection in an International Perspective
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 165–200
ICT/Internet and the Right to Privacy
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 201–208
Trends in Data Protection Law
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 209–228
Telecom Operator’s Incident Investigations
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 229–246
Combating Cybercrime – Developments in the European Union
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 247–286
Legal Challenges of Providing Global Online Services
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 287–302
Jurisdiction and Internet in Relation to Commercial Law Disputes in a European Context
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 303–328
Free Movement of Information – the Principle and its Practical Implications
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 329–360
Software Patents
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 361–396
Community Intellectual Property Law and Ownership in Employment Relationships
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 419–426
The Legitimacy Sphere: On the Tension between Law, Culture, Politics and Enforceability
Publicerad i ICT Legal Issues, oktober 2010 s. 427–442
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