Procedural Law
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, februari 2007
Procedural law is an important component of any legal system. The formal rules that make up what in academic settings is recognized as a core element of legal science do not merely provide the framework for how the official processing of the law can be performed. Procedural law also determines the efficiency of the court sector and at the same time its principles provide the outmost protection against violations of the rule of law. Not surprisingly, procedural law is a much debated topic. It is also a vital part of the legal education
This 51:st volume of the Scandinavian Studies in Law presents 26 articles on Scandinavian Procedural Law. The articles have all been written by academic jurists, highly prominent judges and officials active in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. At least two features make the recent development of procedural law in the Scandinavian counties interesting from a broad international perspective. The Scandinavian legal systems exhibit a unique mix of civil and common law traditions, and the judiciaries have in the last decade been profoundly affected by the European Union integration project. In several cases this has resulted in innovative solutions but also given rise to intense debates. In addition to the various articles on procedural law this volume contains presentations of the courts administration bodies in all the Scandinavian countries
Non-discrimination Under Article 14 ECHR: The Burden of Proof
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 13–40
The Norwegian Reform of Civil Procedure
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 41–76
Some Thoughts on Judges' Decision-making
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 77–88
The Brussels/Lugano Lis Pendens Rule and the "Italian Torpedo"
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 89–98
Reflections on "Fair Trial" in Civil Proceedings According to Article 6 § 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 99–130
Therapeutic Jurisprudence - an Introduction from a Swedish Perspective
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 131–162
Article 12 of the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Procedural Status of Children in Sweden
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 163–184
Conflicts Before the Courts and Court-annexed Mediation in Finland
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 185–200
The DNA-proof in Practical Danish Criminal Justice
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 201–212
Objectivity in Swedish Criminal Proceedings
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 213–228
A Model for the Weighing and Balancing of Interest in the Prosecutor's Legal Discretion
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 229–262
Raped? Sexual Assault in Criminal Proceedings
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 263–280
The Growing Role of the Courts and the new Functions of Judicial Process - Fact or Flummery?
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 281–310
Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Administration of Justice - Basic Principles
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 311–344
Cross-border Enforcement in the European Framework
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 345–358
Access to Courts for Civil Proceedings In Iceland
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 359–382
The Use of Experts in Icelandic Law of Procedure
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 383–398
The Influence of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on Norwegian Criminal Procedure
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 399–418
So-called Extraordinary or Untraditional Investigative Methods
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 419–436
Witness Examination in Finnish Criminal Trials
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 437–450
Dealing with Privileges in International Commercial Arbitration
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 451–470
The Prohibition Against Repeated Criminal Proceedings According to the ECHR Protocol 7 Article 4
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 471–486
The Presumption of Innocence
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 487–504
Interim Measures and Civil Litigation
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 533–558
Judicial Opinion Writing in the Danish Supreme Court (Højesteret)
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 559–580
The Danish Courts – an Organisation in Development
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 581–590
Court Administration in Finland
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 591–605
Iceland’s Judicial System
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 606–607
Presentation of the National Courts Administration and the Norwegian Court Reforms of 2002
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 608–628
The Swedish National Courts Administration
Publicerad i Procedural Law, februari 2007 s. 629–649
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