Intellectual Property
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, april 2002
Intellectual property has become in recent years an issue which almost everyone has a conscious relation to, partly as a consequence of the digitalisation and the growth of the Internet. It is also obvious that an increasing number of social sectors are becoming affected by problems related to intellectual property, as the technical progress continues.
Recent illustrations of this development are provided by the debate about the possibilities of protecting DNA sequences, the increasing awareness of the social impact of granting patents for various medical solutions, and the growing use of the Internet as a medium for transmitting music files. The legal framework covering these issues is multifaceted. It is also noticeable the field is constantly undergoing changes, as various interests are being articulated and challenged. Reflecting several of these aspects this issue of Sc.St.L. provides an overview of many of the issues currently debated in the international arena. The volume also contains a cumulative index for Volumes 1-41 of the series.
Intellectual Property Exclusive Access Rights and Some Policy Implications
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 31–48
Implied Technical Warranties in Patent Licenses
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 49–64
The Copyrightability of Stage Direction
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 65–72
European Originality: A Copyright Chimera
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 73–82
The Notion of Originality - Redundant or not?
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 97–112
Copyright Liability and the Internet from the Finnish Law Point of View
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 113–126
Building a National Intellectual Property Protection System: Some Issues Concerning Copyright and Related Rights in Estonia
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 127–146
Administrative Institutions in Copyright: Notes on the Nordic Countries
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 165–176
Interpretation of Patent Claims
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 177–190
Copyright, Information Technology, and the Edifice of Knowledge
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 191–216
Droit Moral - The International and Comparative Scene from a Scandinavian Viewpoint
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 217–254
Biotech Patents: Grant Requirements and Scope of Protection
Publicerad i Intellectual Property, april 2002 s. 255–289
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