Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, oktober 1990
Do we Need a Law on Patients' Rights?
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 11–26
Additional compensation on account of unforeseen development of damage
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 27–64
Family Law as a Reflectin of Family Ideology
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 65–88
Hidden Clauses in Collective Agreements: The Case Law of the Swedish Labour Court
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 89–110
Burden of Proof: Truth or Law?
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 111–144
Delimitation of Maritime Zones Between Sweden and the Soviet Union–An Appraisal
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 145–174
Land Ownership: A Critical Study of the Swedish Land Acquisition and its Functions
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 175–204
Analysis and Evaluation of Compensation Systems: The Example of Pollution Damage
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 205–228
Constitutional Protection of Minorities: The Right and Protection of the Sami Population in Norway
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 229–254
Doctrine of the Sources of Law of a Scholar and a Judge
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 34 1990, oktober 1990 s. 255–276
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