Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, oktober 1987
The Air Carrier's Responsibility for the Passenger's Hand Baggage
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 11–28
The Office of the Competition Ombudsman and the Local Authorities
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 29–40
Sale of Goods on Consignment Under Danish Law-Lifting the Conceptual Veil
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 41–54
Acquisition of Real Property and State Approval (Concession)
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 55–80
An Essay on the Systematics of Legal Concepts
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 81–116
Freedom of Speech Concerning Defence Matters: Illusion and Reality
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 117–156
Justification and Excuse in Swedish Criminal Law
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 157–174
The General Doctrines in Public Law
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 175–200
Forms of Tenure in Sweden: The Case of the Tenant Owner
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 31 1987, oktober 1987 s. 201–237
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