Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, oktober 1970
Unreasonable Avoidance of Legal Rules in Norwegian Tax Law
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 11–34
Constitutional Aspects of the Exercise of the Finnish President's Powers as Commander in-chief
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 35–58
The Institute of Lis Pendens in International Civil Procedure
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 59–108
The Campaign Against Punishment
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 109–148
What Constitute a Traffic Accident? The Finnish Approach to some Definitional Problems
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 149–166
Administrative Responsibility in Swedish Public Enterprise: The Problem of Complex Goals
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 167–192
Diplomatic Freedom of Communication
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 193–224
The Beginning and the End of Life from the Perspective of Swedish Criminal Law
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 225–250
Comments on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 14 1970, oktober 1970 s. 251–266
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