Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968
Publicerad av Scandinavian studies in law, oktober 1968
Settlement Through Negotiation of Disputes on the Application of Collective Agreements
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 9–48
Some Reflections on the Method of Legal Science and on Legal Reasoning
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 49–66
Nordic and International Lawmaking
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 67–90
The preliminary Question and the Question of Substitution in Conflicts of Laws
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 91–121
Has the Government a Duty to Accord Diplomatic Assistance and Protection to its Nationals?
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 122–150
International Law in Norwegian Courts
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 151–204
Swedish Legislation on Liability for Broadcasting
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 205–254
Legal Aspects of Business Licences in Finland
Publicerad i Scandinavian studies in law 12 1968, oktober 1968 s. 255–269
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