Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2
Publicerad av Stockholm IP Law Review, december 2018
In this issue, we are proud to present the works of a talented group of young researchers. Stockholm university master graduates Kate Galilee and Ana Barbu publish articles based on their master theses in copyright law. Galilee analyses the ‘panorama exception’ for uses of public architectural works and Barbu writes about the ‘parody exception’ and its relation to freedom of expression. Astrid Wilson Roldão, associate at Vinge, presents a case note on unconventional trade marks and product design. Harsh Mahaseth’s contribution gives a global perspective on the Marrakesh Treaty and the important work towards social inclusion.
Editorial Preface
Publicerad i Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2, december 2018 s. 3–3
Internal and external control mechanisms for intellectual property rights: between a rock and a hard place?
Publicerad i Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2, december 2018 s. 4–4
The market for patents in Sweden: past and present
Publicerad i Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2, december 2018 s. 6–17
To what extent should uses of public architectural works be permitted under European copyright law?
Publicerad i Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2, december 2018 s. 18–33
Balancing the line of design
Publicerad i Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2, december 2018 s. 34–35
Parody in European copyright law and the two sides of the coin
Publicerad i Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2, december 2018 s. 36–51
The Marrakesh treaty and the approach towards social inclusion
Publicerad i Stockholm IP Law Review 2018 #2, december 2018 s. 52–61
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